Wastewater Management

The sewer division currently maintains 10 pump stations, a treatment facility and over 70 miles of sewer lines. Daily operations include monitoring, analyzing and adjusting water quality, maintenance and repair of the electrical and mechanical equipment, manholes and sewer easements and removal of blockages in sewer mains.

Sewer Backups
The township takes responsibility in maintaining sewer mains, often found under the roadway. It is the resident’s responsibility to maintain sewer laterals, privately connected pipe into the publicly-owned sewer main.  Sump pumps may not be connected to the sanitary sewer system. 

Should you encounter a sewer backup in your home during business hours, please contact the township at 215-947-3100. Call 911 during nighttime off-peak hours. Someone from our sewer department will come out to your property within an hour to assess the situation. If the backup is identified in the sewer lateral, the property owner must contact a plumber to unclog the backup.

To reduce your chance of a sewer backup do not flush items such as diapers, paper towels, or plastic products into the sewer system.