On April 9, 2024, the Board of Commissioners will consider an updated intergovernmental cooperation agreement with Bryn Athyn Borough which seeks to memorialize the authority of the Chief of Emergency Services, the shared Township/Borough employee tasked with overseeing and planning fire and EMS services in our communities. For background, a prior agreement was approved by the Board of Commissioners and Borough Council in January 2023 which established the Chief of Emergency Services position. Chief Mark Showmaker was hired into this role in September 2023. Now, a revision to that original agreement is being recommended to accomplish a few things:
- Establishing the “umbrella organization,” or municipal department, which will oversee fire and EMS services. The draft agreement calls this the Lower Moreland / Bryn Athyn Fire & EMS Department. At the outset, Chief Showmaker will be the one employee in this department which reports to the Borough and Township managers.
- Through separate letter agreement, we will ask HVFC and BAFC to assent to the structure created in this agreement. Each organization will continue as they are presently constituted and report to each municipality through Chief Showmaker.
- In March 2023, the Township and Borough agreed on the financing structure for this municipal department. Expenses will continue to be shared on a 75%/25% ratio between Township/Borough.
- Acknowledging that property and equipment will need to be acquired by each municipality to prepare for future need. HVFC’s facility on Red Lion Road needs to be replaced. We have a new ladder truck scheduled for delivery in July 2024 and a new engine scheduled for delivery in November 2025, replacing apparatus which have passed or will meet their useful life.
- Continuing the pledge to address each municipality’s obligation to provide for fire and EMS services and work collaboratively towards that goal, both in the near and long term.
The agreement is one of several items to make sure the residents and business owners of Lower Moreland Township continue to have coverage in a time of need. We look forward to ongoing collaboration with HVFC, Bryn Athyn Borough, BAFC, and other mutual aid partners for that to happen.
The current drafts of the resolution and agreement can be downloaded here for your information.